This quickstart uses the standalone containered version of Featureform. It can be used to connect to the same providers as the Kubernetes Hosted version, but lacks the scaling capabilities.

This quickstart will walk through creating a few simple features, labels, and a training set from a fraud detection dataset using Postgres and Redis.


  • Python 3.9+
  • Docker

Step 1: Install the Featureform CLI

pip install featureform

Step 2: Start Featureform

To start Featureform, we can run:

featureform deploy docker --quickstart

This will pull and start the Featureform container, as well as a Postgres and Redis containers containing some example data.

Users can optionally also use ClickHouse, should they wish to use an OLAP database for their offline store, by specifying the --include_clickhouse flag i.e.

featureform deploy docker --quickstart --include_clickhouse

Step 3: Set the Featureform Host

export FEATUREFORM_HOST=localhost:7878 

Step 4: Apply Definitions

Featureform definitions can be stored as both a local file and URL. Multiple files can be applied at the same time.

We’ll set the --insecure flag since we’re using an unencrypted endpoint on the container.

featureform apply quickstart/ --insecure

Step 5: Dashboard and Serving

The dashboard is available at localhost

In the dashboard, you should be able to see that 2 Sources, 1 Feature, 1 Label, and 1 Training Set has been created.

You can also check the status of the training set with:

featureform get training-set fraud_training quickstart --insecure

When the status of these resources is READY, you can serve them with:

python quickstart/
python quickstart/

This will download and run sample serving and training scripts, which will serve a single feature value and a sample of a training data set.

Step 5: Teardown

To teardown the quickstart run:

featureform stop docker

How Does It Work?

Now that we have everything running, we’ll walk through what was done to create the training set and feature.


If we download the file, we can see what Featureform is doing when we run featureform apply.

First we register the Postgres and Redis containers as providers so Featureform is aware of them.
import featureform as ff

postgres = ff.register_postgres(
    host="host.docker.internal",  # The docker dns name for postgres

redis = ff.register_redis(
    name = "redis-quickstart",
    host="host.docker.internal", # The docker dns name for redis

We can then register our sources.

The first source we’ll register is our Transactions table that exists in Postgres. This is so Featureform is aware that the Transactions table exists and can be used as a dependency.

We can then create a Transformation source off of our Transactions table. This is done using an SQL query that is executed in Postgres and saved in a table.
transactions = postgres.register_table(
    table="transactions",  # This is the table's name in Postgres

def average_user_transaction():
    return "SELECT CustomerID as user_id, avg(TransactionAmount) " \
           "as avg_transaction_amt from {{transactions.default}} GROUP BY user_id"

We can then register our feature, label, and training set.

The feature is registered off of the table we created with our SQL Transformation.

The label is registered off of our base Transactions table.

A Training Set can be created by joining our feature and label together.
class User:
    avg_transactions = ff.Feature(
        average_user_transaction[["user_id", "avg_transaction_amt"]], # We can optional include the `timestamp_column` "timestamp" here
    fraudulent = ff.Label(
        transactions[["customerid", "isfraud"]], variant="quickstart", type=ff.Bool

    label=("fraudulent", "quickstart"),

The ff.entity decorator will use the lowercased class name as the entity name. The class attributes avg_transactions and fraudulent will be registered as a feature and label, respectively, associated with the user entity. Indexing into the sources (e.g. average_user_transaction) with a [["<ENTITY COLUMN>", "<FEATURE/LABEL COLUMN>"]], returns the required parameters to the Feature and Label registration classes.

When registering more than one variant, we can use the Variants registration class:
class User:
    avg_transactions = ff.Variants(
            "quickstart": ff.Feature(
                average_user_transaction[["user_id", "avg_transaction_amt"]],
            "quickstart_v2": ff.Feature(
                average_user_transaction[["user_id", "avg_transaction_amt"]],
    fraudulent = ff.Label(
        transactions[["customerid", "isfraud"]], variant="quickstart", type=ff.Bool


We can serve single features from Redis with the Serving Client. The features() method takes the name of the feature and an entity that we want the value for.
from featureform import Client

serving = Client(insecure=True)

user_feat = serving.features([("avg_transactions", "quickstart")], {"user": "C1214240"})
print("User Result: ")


We can serve a training dataset from Postgres with the Serving Client as well. This example takes the name of the training set and returns 25 rows of the training set.
from featureform import Client

client = Client(insecure=True)
dataset = client.training_set("fraud_training", "quickstart")

for i, batch in enumerate(dataset):
    if i > 25: